case studies
We are proud to tell you all about our success cases in the past - below are some amongst many. These experiences have made us who we are and helped to build on the excellence we can offer today.
Foreign government trade department
Your local counterpart
Our consultants represented a US trade agency as their local business development and business matching office. We were tasked with assisting US SMEs in navigating the local market, finding local partners, and making a smooth entrance to the local market. Our market and regulatory landscape reports coupled with our initial engagement with local businesses have led to numerous success cases.
All-rounded corporate affairs services
introducing your values
A well-established company that has been in Thailand for over 20 years. With the regional production base contributing to Thailand’s position as the global leader in pet food export, the company realizes it is time to reintroduce itself to the government. Our consultants assisted the company in extracting value propositions and weaved powerful key messages. Engagement with key government influencers resulted in ease of operation and investment and favorable regulatory development for the industry. Additionally, the company received BOI’s investment package for its investment valued at over 3 trillion baht.
Wildlife Conservation Policy Advocacy
True story unfold
A wildlife conservation NGO was mandated to crack down on illegal tradeoffs for endangered species. The conservation of the animals faced complexities involving deep social, cultural, and economic values to the local communities. The government attempted to address the issues following international pressure while keeping the communities satisfied but to no avail. Our consultants constructed 3-pillar key messages targeting 3 carefully assessed groups of stakeholders, for instance, national security – illegal wildlife trade being linked to transnational terrorism. Infographics and commissioned studies were used to support the high-level engagement campaign. A dedicated working group was established, a law was issued, and the country was lifted off the international watchlist.
online travel agency as the leader in tourism industry in the digital age
Strategic partnership is key
A global OTA has operated in Thailand over the years. The growing technology drew the attention of the government to step in to regulate the industry. Amidst the regulatory uncertainty, MCG consultants proposed strategic government relations that helped to leverage the company’s position in the market and placed it as the leader in the field. The company became the first OTA to have an MOU with the Tourism Authority of Thailand and both are on the way to executing long-term digital marketing and CSR campaigns together.
smooth market penetration for ride-sharing app
Education for market penetration
Ride sharing mobile application when it first entered Thailand was subjected to scrutiny as well as government’s regulatory limitation. Our consultants designed and implemented an advocacy campaign to educate the benefit of ride sharing. Marketing campaign was pushed out using ride sharing to assist the urban commute in times of crisis.
market access for international retailer
Know your way around
A large international retailer has partnered with a leading Thai department store chain. The client requested insights on their partner, as well as an assessment of the business process in Thailand. Our consultants conducted intelligence gathering and authored a comprehensive non-financial due diligence report, as well as a market entry playbook that laid out guidelines for product registration and importations.
public misperception of consumers product
Right message – to the right people, at the right time
There was a public misperception relating to consumer safety incited by business competitors that had led to the public's lack of confidence. The messages by the competitors were promoted in various media channels and caught the public attention rapidly. Our consultants quickly created a message house entailing proven scientific facts that have been made into easy-to-digest messages and circulated them to targeted media and influencers to counter the misperception.
permits for transnational infrastructure project
Project management at its best
Over 16 months of delay in a transnational megaproject originated from miscommunications between several agencies. The company had to obtain all necessary permits and licenses in order to operate within the remaining 3 months before the government concession expired. Our consultants filled in between the lines of communications to ensure necessary information was supplied, paperwork correctly filled, approval duly granted, and the project delivered on time.